About Us

Transportation services for : Ijen, Bromo, Savana Jampit, Bluran National Park, Sukamade, Green Bay, Pulau Merah ...

Menu Tour Day And Night
  • Ijen 2Day 1Night
  • Ijen ~ Bromo Tour 3Day 2Night
  • Bromo ~ Ijen Tour 3Day 2Night
  • Ijen ~ Savana Jampit Tour 1Night 1Day
  • Ijen ~ Baluran National Park Tour 1Night 2Day
  • Ijen ~ Sukamade ~ Green Bay / Pulau merah Tour 3Day 2Night
  • Sukamade ~ Green Bay / Pulau merah Tour 2Day 1Night...
KAWAH IJEN TOUR DEVELOP transport will provide the tour all over Java and Bali. We provide Mini van , and mini bus minimum 1 until maximum 8 passengers. Just send you itinerary transport, we will offer the price cover for vehicles , driver and gasoline. We will provide the best vehicles and expert driver.  We are ready to serve you better….

Tamansari ~ Licin ~ Banyuwangi ~ East Java ~ Indonesia
Phone: (+62) 857 8504 4431 - (0333) 446 0357
Email: jun_tour@yahoo.co.id

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/juntour
Pages: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kawah-ijen-tour-develop/341269459221492
    • Of Intercity
    • Of Ijen Crater 
    • Of Mt Bromo 
    We live in a village very close to the of Ijen crater tour, and from our home approximately 17 kilo meters to the parking Ijen crater, we set up this program the main objective is : to share experiences about Ijen crater tours, Discovery of a new place, roomates is rarely visited by tourists in the crater. Let you know and invite you are exploring in depth the ijen crater. Not only that but also let you have a relationship with a local's contak more closely, and you certainly know how they're difficult to find Economics. when they work in mining, they lived and daily whree a miner in the village. Explore in depth the crater, doing unusual itinerary, and learn more about cultures from locals, ethics, local's wisdom, and ethnic diversity. gathered by the villagers, goal is that you know how our village.
    Besides, we also provide a new residence, ie: Home stay (Avilla). But if you want an expensive ... we also can help you (in the most expensive hotel in a search here). Also a transportation, namely: Travel tour.

    Greetings with me ... A developer of a family tour - East Java, and my name: JUNAIDI
